Here comes another paper review hot off the presses. G.Lalo Verge De France has been one of my favorite papers they have a fantastic quality and a wide variety of colors. I plan to do reviews of several of the colors from the line because they each show different inks differently. So first, up we have the Rose color large tablet.
I used my trusty Jinaho (a friendly reader pointed out I had it spelled wrong…although my pen honestly does say Jinaho maybe it is a pen oppsy ;) ) F5 with Medium nib loaded with De Atramentis Caramel (can I say again how much I love this ink?). I also pulled out my little no name pen that I got from xfountainpens.com loaded with J.Herbin Perle Noire.
The large size tablet for G.Lalo is Letterhead size (8-1/4" x 11-3/4") you can also get it in a smaller size if you prefer smaller paper. The paper is a good quality weight and there is no bleeding or show through even with a wet writer like my Jinhao. It is very fountain pen friendly as would be expected for a higher end quality product.
The retail price is $15 on the large tablets and puts it in the higher end of the price range but even from an El Cheapo like me I think the price is worth it. G.Lalo has been making stationery since the 1920 and it shows this is a quality product that lends an air of class and elegance to your correspondence. There is a little bit of drag to the pen (not as smooth as Clairefontaine Triomphe) but because of the antique laid feel of it and the lines there, that is to be expected. It is not a rough paper by any means but has a little bit of texture and feel to it.

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